This week I'm interrupting my story of my perspective shift to announce that David Baboulene will be joining me at HearWriteNow on the 29th March on a stop of his blog book tour for The Story Book: A Writer's Guide to Story Development, Principles, Problem Solving, and Marketing.
If I had been writing blog posts more frequently, I would've reached the one about how I got caught up in writing about fiction instead of writing my fiction and why I have decided to stop writing for writers and start writing for readers. I might also have reached the post about synchronicity and how it has constantly tricked me into deviating from the path I really should be on. So, in a few weeks' time you can say to me: "Huh? I thought you weren't doing this anymore?" Well, I've made an exception for this book. (Though: is it really an exception if I haven't yet begun cutting these distractions out of my time...?)
I think this book just might be something special. (It arrived yesterdary, so I've only just cracked it open.) But what convinced me to read this book and accept the invitation to host David on his book tour was learning that he is in the process of writing a Ph.D. thesis on subtext in story and how subtext resonates with the reader's mind. Subtext is a writing element that is very important to me, and the new fiction project I've started thanks to my perspective shift actually revolves around a particular societal subtext (more about that when I'm ready to launch it). What was that about synchronicity? Oh dear.
Anyway, I'm going to read this book. I'll let you know what I think of it. And mark the 29th (the evening of the 29th or early morning of the 30th if you're in Australia, etc) in your diary and join us for a discussion of subtext. Come armed with lots of questions!
David Baboulene's website
The Story Book is available from Amazon UK, and on Kindle from
My review copy was sent to me by the author.
I love subtext. Guilty as charged. It adds such richness and depth to the story. I can’t wait for this. I hope I time it right!
You’re great at subtext, my dear. I hope you can join us.