I've been stuck on editing an important scene on the first page of my completed children's book, and eventually I decided to get some opinions from other writers (thanks Wendy, Lauri, and Sher).
Showing a scene allows the reader to own it, and therefore makes it more powerful and memorable. So it stands to reason that one would use the technique of showing for important scenes. I often advise writers and clients to let go of the control over every single aspect of their book. If a detail is not important to the plot - such as the colour of a character's hair - then let the reader choose. This doesn't mean cutting out all such description; it means knowing when extraneous description is slowing the pace of the story, or distracting the reader and breaking his concentration.
But there are times when you need the reader to be (cough) on the same page as you. In my efforts to let go of control over my reader's perceptions, I relinquished one detail too many in this vital scene. All three critiques contained the perception that the main character seems fearless, cheeky, and brave. In this scene, however, it is important plot-wise that the main character is afraid. I knew there was something wrong with this scene, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Thankfully others could, without even knowing what they were looking for. This is what makes beta readers so useful.
More on "Showing versus Telling"
Comments (2)
Selma -
That is excellent advice and very relevant to where I am at the moment. A fresh pair of eyes is invaluable. Glad the others could help you out!
Posted 20 November 2008
Elle -
Thanks Selma.
Posted 21 November 2008