Sorry I've been quiet for so long. The last half of last year was whisked away with the Charter Class of my Word 4 Writers Course. Since I was writing the modules (for both version 2007 and version 2010) at the same pace that my students were taking the class, it was an incredibly intensive workload that I had to cram into the couple of hours when my toddler slept and a few hours at night after everyone else had gone to bed. I pulled several midnight+ sessions.
But the outcome of that is that I finished two versions of Word 4 Writers and I'm very pleased with the result. This is far better than the original Word 4 Writers, and I would never have kept on schedule if I hadn't had students to whom I had to deliver each week. So a big thank you to my charter students for hanging in there with me.
The bad news, however, is that my laptop's hard drive died a few weeks ago. Murphy's Law: it happened right after I wrote and posted an article on Blood-Red Pencil about backing up! Thankfully our computers are networked and synchronised, so I haven't lost any actual work. But I'm not sure whether I somehow managed to back up my emails. I suspect not, and, if that is indeed the case, I will have lost all 48 training emails I sent out for Word 4 Writers. (If any of my charter students are prepared to forward those back to me, I would be extremely grateful; in fact I'll refund your course costs for the first student to do so.) If I have lost those emails, it is not worth my time to rewrite them, and that means the Word 4 Writers Course will be in jeopardy. I'm moving on to something different this year and I don't want to redo work I've already done. But I am thinking of offering Word 4 Writers as a printed book instead... stayed tuned.
In upcoming posts I want to share some amazing insight I've had this month. It has been an accumulation of ideas and perspectives that have all slotted in together brilliantly, and I'm feeling very excited and positive about the rest of this year.
Very sorry to hear what happened. I think computer crashes are the worst. It can totally ruin your day, your week, your month. You have a good attitude, though.
Thanks Helen.
I am so sorry to hear about the crash. I hope you manage to get the emails back. How frustrating for you. There does seem to be a kind of Murphy’s Law effect to these things.
You sound so excited about this year. I am really glad. I am feeling excited by default. Can’t wait to hear your news!
Thanks Selma, I’m getting there slowly 😉