
If you already have a PayPal account, you can pay using either funds in your account, or by debiting a separate bank account. If you prefer not to open a PayPal account, you can still pay by credit card through PayPal.

"Can I pay you when the critique is completed?"

I'm already taking a risk by offering a 30 day money-back guarantee on my critique service. If you're still uncomfortable paying up front, why not use the option to test the waters by sending in a shorter extract for a smaller outlay? A first impression critique of 3000 words is only US$33.00.

Previous payments for critiques on extracts of the same manuscript will be taken into account in the quote for a critique of the full manuscript.

Emailing your manuscript

Once your payment has been processed, simply email me your manuscript. The email address is provided on the page that PayPal will return you to.

I will liaise with you regarding your manuscript and estimate a time frame for returning my comments and corrections.

My comments

Please remember that the feedback I send you regarding your work is my personal opinion. I am not able to offer you editorial advice, neither can I guarantee that your work will be accepted for publication.


Microsoft Word

The easiest format for me to work with is a Microsoft Word document. I will provide my comments and suggested corrections in a copy of your document using Word's Track Changes feature. You will then be able to review my comments and accept or reject the changes as you feel appropriate.

If you're unsure of how to use the Track Changes feature, I will be happy to guide you through it.

I will also send you a separate file containing my comments and notes on your work.

Other Word Processing Programs

If you use a word processing program other than Microsoft Word, please send me a single page test file so that I can determine whether I can open your file on my system.

Alternatively, send me your document saved in Rich Text Format (rtf), or as a Plain Text file (txt). These formats are generally readable on any system.

I will return my corrections and suggestions in pdf format (Portable Document Format), along with my comments and notes in Text format.

Lengthy manuscripts

For manuscripts longer than 10000 words, contact me for a quote, together with a sample of approximately 1000 words.

Alternatively, you may wish to start by sending me just the first chapter or two, which you can do using the order buttons.

This is useful for screening your manuscript for that initial submission to agents or publishers, who often don't want to see more than three chapters. I can help you refine your submission, and you can decide whether you want me to look at the rest of your manuscript. At this stage, I can give you a quote taking any previous payment into account.

"I can get a free critique by joining a critique group. Why should I pay for you to critique my work?"

Critiquing another writer's work is an excellent way to learn about your own writing craft, and I do recommend you try a critique group if you want to explore this method.

However, bear in mind that when swapping critiques there is usually a bias towards "being kind" so that the writer you're critiquing will go easy on you in turn.

It also takes a lot of time to read through and comment on someone's work, and this affects the depth of the critique when a member doesn't have enough time to invest in the process.

If your time is valuable to you, you will be better off paying for a critique and spending the time saved on your own writing rather than someone else's.

When you pay for me to critique your work, you're paying for my time and you will get my full attention to your work. You're also paying for my reading and critiquing experience and insights.

"What do you mean by 'Peer' Critique?"

A peer critique is a critique by someone at a similar level to you - another writer, in other words, who can give you pointers on your plot, characterisation, and writing style and techniques.

Other critiques available may be "editorial critiques" and "reader critiques".

An editorial critique provides advice from someone who knows more about the publishing and editing side of the business - this person may or may not have additional experience with the writing techniques you may need advice on.

A reader critique will only usually give you feedback on what the reader liked or didn't like, again without much advice on writing technique. This is ideal if you have a manuscript that has already gone through a full critique and edit, and simply need some final feedback.

"Will you steal my idea?"

No. I have more than enough ideas of my own to last me a lifetime.

Thank you so much for your peer critique... I really hadn't expected such a detailed response. I am immensely grateful to you for the good, solid advice you have given. You only had a small excerpt to work with, yet you understood perfectly the problem I'm having... I'm considering all the possibilities you suggested.

Your comments concerning the prologue are spot on and easily put right; yet I would never, never have seen it had you not pointed it out. Thanks.

You've given me a great deal to think about. And a lot to work on. It goes almost without saying, I should like to submit further excerpts and possibly the final draft in due course.

Michael Woods

Your work was exactly what I needed and I really appreciate your quick reply. My only concern now is how I go about my revisions, or in fact a complete rewrite! But that’s my problem and you were expert enough to be thorough and cruel to be kind which is professional of you. I would like to send you future work if you will accept.

Your comments showed a thorough professional job where you thought a great deal about the story and how it can be improved. It was obvious that you did not just skimp over the words. You met my expectations for a thorough evaluation, your promptness of reply and considerate feedback. I would highly recommend you and hope to adjust my work to your standards.

You may quote me as others should be encouraged to use your site.

J Lucas

See an example critique

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